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Writer's pictureAurora Skies

A Place To Call Home

The home I had built for them was originally only two bedrooms. But with each new expansion to the family, I inevidently decdided to add on. The first design I had chosen was a one story house, but after Andie had her third kid I ended up adding a second floor. Needless to say, this house was not intended to be two stories. It looked bad, but I was trying to only use money I got in game, so no cheats when it came to upgrading the house.

Andie's boyfriend wasn't very nice to her. I decided to try using some Sacrificial mods, so her boyfriend was the sim I used to experiment that. He started having issues with Andie, and was kind of a shitty step dad to Walter. But as Walter grew up, he stayed very quiete. He liked music and writing, he was very creative. He was close with his sister, Sage. Not only in age, but in a good sibling way too.

Andie ended up with fourth pregnancy due to some precautions not taken when using WW. During this time Hayes had begin to notice a change in Andie, she wasn't being herself. After talking with Joel, the two decided that they needed to step in and help her. Around this time, Andie's man was getting in trouble with the police addition of the basemental mod. I was trying all kinds of crazying things with all the mod combinations going on.

Hayes was the first one to confront her boyfriend, which ended due to Andie intervening. Later that Andie had all kinds of bruise overlays from the shit guy, and it got to a point where he autonomously tried to murder Andie. She freaked out of course, and was able to call the police immediately after. Joel and Hayes were asleep when this happened, but they both ended up awake due to the crazy sleep cycles of sims.

When the police had intervened, her boyfriend tried to also take out one of the officers. Needless to say, it didn't work. The situation ended up bad, where thanks to the extreme violence mod Andie's boyfriend commits suicide and unfortunately, both Walter and Sage were old enough to remember it all as children.

Andie finally had gone into labor a sim day or so after all that. Haye's and Joel went with her to the hospital, and it was a massive pain trying to get that to work. But anyway, Andie had twins boys. They were super cute. I wish I had more screenshots of this part of this save.

Once again tradgedy struck the Linton-Spear household when Hayes was close to graduating with his degree. Walter about to turn into a teenager, but honestly he was more preteen styled. I wish we had that life stage, but I'll work with what we got.

The Life Tradgedy's mod was one i had found. I downloaded it, but did not plan on using it in this save. That is until Mr. Hayes decided to be an unfaithful backstabbing cheating bitch. He autonomously was hitting on one of Andie's friends right in front of Joel. And with WW still installed, Hayes and this friend went to Joel and Haye's bedroom and straight up went ham with the animations. I was pissed. But mainly because Joel couldn't quite seem to win in any situation lately, and Hayes wasn't always the best boyfriend. This cheating scandal happened legitimately hours after Hayes had proposed to Joel on a cute date. I spent so much time building the perfect venue for the proposal. Only for the audacity of this little shit Hayes to ruin it.

I wanted Joel to be happy, and the longer he was with Hayes the more depressed Joel was. Clearly, it wasn;t a healthy relationship. Walter had recently aged up, and had a hard time interacting with his dad Hayes. It never seemed like he was there for him, and out of any of the caretakers in the house Joel had the closest relationship with Walter. It was interesting, since it could be an uncle type connection since Joel and Walter's mom were basically siblings. But his dad Hayes had been dating Joel his entire life. Joel was the one with the level ten parenting skill, and Walter was only technically his step child, but Hayes and Joel weren't married. Yet Joel was pretty much, at this point, the closest thing to a dad.

Hayes ended up with a terminal illness thanks to the life tragedy mod. However, there was still a chance he could survive it. And for Joel's sake, he even went with Hayes to multiple operations to see if there was anything that could be done to save him. Both surgeries failed, and Hayes soon met Grim. Joel was so sad, but he had a happy future ahead of him. Walter basically never left his room after Hayes died. If he wasn't sleeping, he was playing his piano. He was emotional through his music and it showed. Also, Walter was in love with his own best friend. But Walter didn't think his friend would like him back, since they were both boys. Walter's angst arc. You know I redid his room to be a little music nerd's space.

Joel seemed to be going through an identity crisis. Andie began taking Joel's adhd meds and started an addiction to it. Joel couldn't imagine any kind of future. He took care of his plants to pay the bills. Then Joel was approached by one of his clients buying herb from him. They laughed and had a good time as friends. Then after some time passed, Joel asked her to join him on a vacation to Mt. Komorebi. She agreed and went on the trip. She was a cutie, but she wasn't very nice to any of Andie's kids.

The woman who gave Joel a bisexual crisis.

Andie on vacation.

Brooding Walter.

Sage and the twins.

Nothing but vibes. What a pretty place.

Joel and the woman that was giving him a bisexual crisis seemed to be hitting it off. Once when Joel and her had more privacy and after a couple of drinks, they ended up utilizing some WW animations. Joel was completely plastered, and decided to be for the rest of the trip. He had been going in and out of an alcoholic phase lately. As well as trying all kinds of other interactions from the basemental mod. From that funky drink to mushrooms and acid, Joel was doing it all. This wasn't good for Andie and her snorting addiction she currently had. She was obessed with staying active. I think she was insecure about the baby weight, mixed with being left to raise her kids without a dad.

Neith Andie or Joel were having a good time in life. Joel was crying all the time and Andie wouldn't sop doing pushups every five seconds. After the vacation, Joel's bi crisis lady had stopped by his home to announce some news. She was pregnant, but she was not going to keep the baby. Joel felt his heart get ripped from his chest. She had already made the decision before telling him, which led to Joel begging her to have the kid. She said she didn't want to be a mom, and wanted to go out and live her life. She was not someone who ever wanted to have kids to be responsible for, and Joel was the most family oriented sim in the save.

Joel promised to provide for her and the baby, anything she could want or need. He would find a way to stack up on more cash for the comfort of them, but she was insistent about not wanting to be in the kid's life. After she told Joel she would have the baby, but he had to keep it. And give her a lump sum of cash. Joel agreed without hesitation. So she moved in with us, just for the time being. She lived in comfort at the home, but was super mean to all the children. Come to find out, she has the hates children trait. While she was pregnant, Joel wanted to try and have a relationship. He wanted to be a family, but she was just not having it.

Before the birth of the baby, Joel knew he had to get his shit sorted out. He stopped drinking, and stopped anything that wasn't herb. He went to rehab for his alcoholism, and even tried to get Andie to go with him. She refused. But Joel did his best to get better and grinded to have the house suitable for a child.

I deleted the entire second story of the house and loved it to a one story lay out again. I had turned the laundry room into a hallway for the new addition for the house. Andie's room was near both of the girl's new room, and the twins had a new room for them. Walter kept his room, but there was now a family room for activities as well as another bathroom. And of course, the room for the baby. Her room was right next to Joel's and Joel also added a bathroom conecting to his bedroom. The layout was mid, but I was excited to make a room for the baby that we found out was a girl.

Joel's room with the baby's room next to the bathroom. The baby also had her own pink bathroom! Also peep all the herb that is curing in Joel's room. lol

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